Tonight I will be putting some more stitching in my fall quilt binding.
Amelia and I went down to one of my favorite places in my childhood/adult history...Camp Neyati. This was my beloved girl scout camp. I grew up there as my mother directed many girl scout camps and we had many family adventures there as well.
During this time my father and a wonderful master wood carver, from Glenwood, set out the plans to create a totem pole to showcase the different logos that my mother had used for the different camps that she directed. These two wonderful gentleman, with the help of all attending girl scouts, carved the pole at the last camp that she directed. The totem pole was housed in the great Rose Lodge at the girl scout camp. It has stood there for 26 great years, watching over all the fascinating girl scout adventures that went on in the lodge.
The council office decided that Neyati needed to be put on the sale block and sold. So today I went down to bring home the totem pole. Luckily I had some knowledge of the happenings so I could take care of this item. Otherwise it might have went onto the closing fire ring that is to happen there Thursday night.
Amelia and I spent a good amount of time walking, driving through the camp so I could show her where her grandfather loved to fish and where her grandmother took a tip off of a canoe on her first canoe ride. Lots of fun memories there... tears too from today.
Neyati you will be near to my heart always and greatly missed since my daughter will not be able to camp there.