Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fall quilt continued 2

Still working on the fall quilt.

The feathered work on it is turning out rather well, for a first real attempt on quilt for hump and bump feathers.

Here's a couple pics showing the progress so far.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fall Quilt continued

Feather or not to feather? That's the question. Well I decided to gain some experience and try to feather a 2 inch border. It called for something and when my taxed brain couldn't figure out what else to do....well feathers came to mind. Hump and bump feathers none the less. Granted I haven't actually quilted these on a quilt yet, so let's just try it in micro version........

This quilt is taking a life of it's own. It's got custom quilting in it that really should have been done on a quilt that allowed it to show up better. The busy nature of this quilt doesn't showcase the work that is being done to it. But at least it is giving me a practice ground to try new tools and techniques.

The arsinal consists now of Quiltazoid template work, piano key borders, set in corner quiltazoid work, and for me....micro feathers. That's quite a new list of talents! The only thing that could have really topped the cake was to have trapunto'd the feathered wreath inside the Quiltazoid work. Missed the boat on that one!

Back for more experience!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Loading fall quilt

Well today I'm going to load the fall quilt. Thought I'd get to it last night, but instead I played with my QZ a bit more.... too much fun I guess.

I've attached a shot of a flower design that I personalized with some extra touches of quilting. I think I'm going to really enjoy this new tool.

I'm only going to be able to quilt till noon so I hope to get started on the fall quilt!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 4 2010 Quiltazoid day

Well today was all about playing with the quiltazoid. What an awesome tool!!! I had some play fabric loaded and just worked with the tool making wonderful designs and having a ton of fun!

There are some pics attached here to let you see what I'm talking about.

Tonight I'm loading a fall quilt that I have had the top pieced for ages and now it's time to Zoid it! I've come up with a quiltazoid combination that I want to use with this. This will be one of the first quilts that I've actually done 'custom' type work on for myself..... We'll give it a whirl and you can watch the posts with the progress.

Sit back and enjoy!